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Programs for Children of Holocaust Survivors (2Gs)

DOROT is proud to present programs created for Children of Holocaust survivors (2Gs).

These programs will invite you to learn with and from each other in a variety of settings and on different topics. You will find lecture-based programs that dig into genealogical research and pre-WWII history, conversations with authors who have written about the legacy of the Holocaust and in-person performances featuring music and memories. We also have opportunities for you to interact with other 2Gs in smaller, more intimate workshops on poetry, narrative medicine, the creative arts and decluttering as it relates to your sentimental "stuff."

We are excited to welcome you to DOROT to connect, think creatively and cultivate a community.

Lectures & Programs


More than Just Names: Commemorating the Pre-War Lives of Your Ancestors through Genealogy
Tuesday, September 10, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM

There's a common misconception that all the records pertaining to Jewish life in Europe were destroyed during the war. In actuality, many pre-war Jewish records have survived and can offer us a window into our ancestors' lives. Join Moriah Amit, genealogy librarian at the Center for Jewish History, to learn what info you need to get started (not a lot!), the best websites for beginners, basic search strategies and how to make sense of the documents you find.

To register & receive a link, click: Ancestors Through Genealogy

Hybrid! Tzippy's Tales: An Afternoon with NYC Style Icon Tsiporah Salamon
Friday, September 13, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Tsiporah Salamon's flair and style—and her personal story—grow out of her parents' wartime escapes from Europe, her childhood in both Israel and Brooklyn as the daughter of tailors, her spiritual life and her accumulation of an amazing antique and couture clothing collection. Always elegant and inventive, she's the author of The Art of Dressing: Ageless, Timeless, Original Style. Introduction by award-winning journalist and author Sandee Brawarsky.

Register for in-person: Tzippy's Tales (IN-PERSON)
Can't attend in person? Join on Zoom: Tzippy's Tales (VIRTUAL)

Hybrid! Recovered Voices: A Concert of Survivors for Survivors
Tuesday, September 24, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM

This "concert with conversation" will feature solo piano and chamber music by Wanda Landowska, Max Eisikovits and Darius Milhaud in a celebration of lives spent in service to music and humanity. Featuring pianist, Jeanne Golan, and cellist, Daniel Miller. Program will include Landowska's Reverie of Autumn and Milhaud's The Household Muse.

Register for in-person: Concert of Survivors (IN-PERSON)
Can't attend in person? Join on Zoom: Concert of Survivors (VIRTUAL)

Author Talk: Never Again Will I Visit Auschwitz with Ari Richter
Friday, September 27, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Author and visual artist Ari Richter will share his newest graphic novel, Never Again Will I Visit Auschwitz. Relying on extensive genealogical research and his family's archiving, Richter recreates his family's journey leading up to and extending beyond the Holocaust.

To register & receive a link, click: Ari Richter

Growing Up Jewish in Pre-War Europe
Thursday, October 10, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Across Europe, Jewish communities faced multiple crises. How could one remain Jewish while also trying to "fit in?" Dr. Zachary Mazur, Senior Historian at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw, will address this question and more, and help us take a look at different cases around Europe to understand the Jewish experience of your parents and grandparents during the 1920s and 1930s.

To register & receive a link, click: Pre-War Experience

Author Talk: Food, Hope and Resilience: Authentic Recipes and Remarkable Stories from Holocaust Survivors with June Hersh
Wednesday, October 16, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

For Holocaust survivors, food was a way to connect their lives before the war with the homes they created after. Author June Hersh will join us and share a taste of history, recipes and a life-affirming message that honors the legacy of Holocaust survivors from her book: Food, Hope and Resilience: Authentic Recipes and Remarkable Stories from Holocaust Survivors.

To register & receive a link, click: June Hersh

Inheriting Trauma and Resilience: How the Past Lives Inside the Present with Elizabeth Rosner
Wednesday, October 30, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Join us for a virtual conversation with the daughter of Holocaust survivors, Elizabeth Rosner. She is the author of six books, including Survivor Cafe: The Legacy of Trauma and the Labyrinth of Memory.

To register & receive a link, click: Trauma and Resilience

Holocaust Genealogy Resources at the New York Public Library
Thursday, October 31, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Join staff from the Dorot Jewish Division at the New York Public Library to learn about Holocaust genealogy resources at the library, including oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors, yizkor books and other biographical, genealogical and historical sources.

To register & receive a link, click: Holocaust Genealogy


Creating Memoir and Nonfiction Graphic Novels
4 Wednesdays: September 4, 11, 18 & 25, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Do you want to share your story? Learn the process of turning your own life or family history into a comic in this hands-on workshop led by graphic novelist and educator Miriam Libicki, who recently contributed to But I Live, a collection of illustrated stories based on survivors' stories. Each session explores different facets and techniques of graphic memoir. Space is limited.

To register & receive a link, click: Comic Workshop

Organizing Sentimental Items of Holocaust Survivors
4 Thursdays: September 5, 12, 19 & 26, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM

For those of us with family members who survived the Holocaust, we might have inherited precious objects filled with meaning or even a household for which we are now responsible. We know the importance of preserving our family stories so the world doesn't forget. In this workshop, facilitated by 2G and professional organizer Anna Lieber, we will consider how to evaluate items that are most meaningful with thoughtful reflection.

Space is limited. To register & receive a link, click: Sentimental Items

Poetry to Honor Closure and Cheer Beginnings: Turning the Corner into the Year 5785
2 Mondays: September 9 & October 7, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

As the Jewish year completes one cycle and begins another, we will come together for a unifying discussion. Join poet, social worker and educator, Jessica Greenbaum, as we read accessible, narrative poems and consider their investigation of the human condition. Our first meeting, days before September 11, and our second meeting, on the first anniversary of October 7, will be shaped for comfort during days that may feel difficult.

Space is limited. To register & receive a link, click: Poetry Discussion

The Stories We Tell
4 Tuesdays: October 8, 15, 22 & 29, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

What do our stories tell us about ourselves and our relationship to others? How do the stories we tell shape our lives? Each week, we will discuss a poem, image or piece of music and write or respond verbally to a related prompt. Working together, we will gain a rich understanding of the power of narrative. Led by Doris Ullendorff, LCSW, MS, Narrative Medicine.

Space is limited. To register & receive a link, click: The Stories We Tell