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Community Partnerships

DOROT thrives with the support and partnership of the larger caring community. Our mutually beneficial collaborations with local synagogues, schools and community-based organizations help extend our reach and impact.

Synagogue Partnerships

DOROT partners with local synagogues to support seniors, caregivers, clergy and caring committees. Our synagogue social workers proudly offer a critical layer of expertise to their important work by bringing our array of programs to synagogue communities.

The Pearls Of Wisdom

The Pearls of Wisdom, a multicultural touring ensemble of elder storytellers, is now a treasured part of DOROT. The Pearls travel to schools and senior programs throughout NYC to promote the folk-art tradition of storytelling, inspire audiences to share stories of their own, and create intergenerational community engagement.

Schools and Youth Organizations

DOROT works with over 100 schools and youth organizations each year to engage elementary, middle school and high school students in meaningful intergenerational programming. We introduce them to volunteer opportunities that make a difference as well as intergenerational workshops and service-learning programs that connect them with older New Yorkers.