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Our Partners

DOROT wishes to express its deepest gratitude to the foundations, corporations, and agencies whose commitment and generous support enable us to enhance the lives of older adults.

Joseph Alexander Foundation
Milton & Sally Avery Arts Foundation
Robert & Toni Bader Charitable Foundation
Rose M. Badgeley Residuary Charitable Trust
Bank Hapoalim
Barker Welfare Foundation
The David Berg Foundation
Charina Foundation
Elias A. Cohen Foundation
Congregation Emanu-El of New York
Community Care Corps
Corporation for National and Community Service
Helen and Phillip Delman Foundation
The Miriam and Arthur Diamond Charitable Trust
Dorot Foundation
Emergency Food and Shelter Program
FJC - A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds
Gemiluth Chessed of Greater New York
The Glickenhaus Foundation
Herman Goldman Foundation
Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation
The Gottesman Fund
The Hyde and Watson Foundation

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Jewish Family Children’s Services of Greater Mercer County
Jewish Federation of Princeton Mercer Bucks
The Joelson Foundation
Kaplan Family Foundation
Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation
Fred E. Kassner Family Foundation
The Katzin Foundation
Keller-Shatanoff Foundation
Rabbi Abrahm and Shirley Kelman Charitable Foundation
Alice Lawrence Foundation
The Fay J. Lindner Foundation
George Link, Jr. Foundation
Lillian Lorber Charitable Trust
Ben May Charitable Trust
The D.J. McManus Foundation
Metzger-Price Fund
Henry and Lucy Moses Fund
Mother Cabrini Health Foundation
NBCUniversal Foundation
New York City Council

  • Council Member Mark Levine, 7th Council District
  • Council Member Bill Perkins, 9th Council District
  • Council Member Keith Powers, 4th Council District
  • Council Member Helen Rosenthal, 6th Council District

New York City Department for the Aging
New York Community Trust
New York State Assembly Member Linda B. Rosenthal, 67th District
New York State Office for the Aging

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The Omer Foundation
Moses L. Parshelsky Foundation
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Posner-Wallace Foundation
May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc.
The Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation
Adolph and Ruth Schnurmacher Foundation
Charles and Mildred Schnurmacher Foundation
The Sephardic Foundation on Aging
Signature Bank
The Robert Sillins Family Foundation
Dr. Lawrence Spielberger & Dr. Greta Spanierman Family Foundation
The Sunshine Foundation
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Michael Tuch Foundation
Isaac H. Tuttle Fund
Ullmann Family Foundation
US Department Of Health And Human Services - Administration On Aging (AOA),
New York State Office For The Aging, Westchester County Department Of Senior Programs and Services

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M.B. & Edna Zale Foundation
Anonymous Foundation (two)