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Aging Alone Together®

"Just the together part. Just that somebody's acknowledging the fact there's so many of does help. I'm not the only one. It's not just me." - Aging Alone Together Alum


Aging Alone Together is DOROT's flagship program for solo agers. We offer strengths-based, practical ways to help you prepare for the future. Over the course of six weeks, our trained facilitators and discussion group leaders will guide you through topics related to your solo aging journey. Whether you're living alone, feeling isolated or looking to build community, we welcome you!

I'm a Solo Ager

Hear from solo agers in their own words, along with insights from facilitators of Aging Alone Together, and experts on the solo aging experience.




Aging Alone Together takes place over six weekly sessions and is offered both in-person and virtually via Zoom. Each session of the workshop contains:

  • Information about the week’s topic which include building community, preparing your home for aging in place, considerations for making a move, advance care planning, legal and financial matters, and strengthening your support network.
  • Short videos featuring experts and solo agers who share their experiences and strategies to work through barriers
  • Discussion groups with other solo agers led by a trained Discussion Leader
  • Tools to personalize information, set priorities, and plan actionable next steps
  • Emotional support and encouragement from the Aging Alone Together community


  • Choose your solo aging priorities and acquire strategies to meet them
  • Develop approaches to build and maintain community as you age
  • Examine challenges specific to solo agers 
  • Recognize that you are not alone in your solo aging journey

ready to join?








Aging Alone Together consists of 6 sessions that are offered weekly. It takes 6 weeks to complete the course. Here are the session topics:

Week 1: Welcome
Introduction to core concepts about solo aging

Week 2: Building Community
Cultivating community and social connections

Week 3: Where We Live
Aging in your home or making a move

Week4: Advance Care Planning
Preparing for future medical decisions

Week 5: Financial and Legal Matters
Estate planning; preventing scams and frauds

Week 6 - Celebrate and Look Ahead
Review, consolidate, celebrate and look ahead.

Participants receive an Aging Alone Together Workbook and a Resource Guide, which contains weekly reading material and Action Plan Tools worksheets based on the topic for each session. Following the six sessions, DOROT offers educational and social networking opportunities for Aging Alone Together alumni.


Is this program right for me?
Aging Alone, Together is for adults ages 60 to 100+ who identify as solo agers. DOROT defines a solo ager broadly as individuals who, by choice or circumstance, function without the support system traditionally provided by family.

Who is a Solo Ager?
DOROT defines solo aging broadly: individuals who, by choice or circumstance, expect to age or make decisions about their future independently. Whether you're living alone, feeling isolated or looking to strengthen your community, we warmly welcome you.

What does the program cost?
Aging Alone Together is free.

How many people attend each session?
Workshops vary in size. Typically, there are 20-25 participants attending in-person sessions, and fifty people in our virtual zoom sessions.

How long is each session?
Across all six sessions, our virtual sessions last 90 minutes each, while our in-person sessions last 2 hours each.

Where is Aging Alone Together available?
Aging Alone Together is available via Zoom to older adults living throughout the country. We also offer in-person sessions at our headquarters in New York City and Westchester, and with partner sites throughout New York State and beyond.

How do I register?
Visit DOROT’s online calendar and select “Aging Alone, Together” under Program Type (located in the right-hand column) to find and register for an upcoming session. You can also email:

I work at an organization that serves older adults. How can we offer Aging Alone Together?
We love partnering with other organizations! We work with faith houses, community centers, organizations serving LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities, and other places that serve older adults. To learn more, email:

Are there other ways DOROT supports Solo Agers?
Yes! DOROT offers a myriad of educational and community opportunities both in-person at our New York City and Westchester headquarters and nationally via Zoom. These programs serve solo agers and older adults more generally. Aging Alone Together participants will receive invitations to these programs. You can also explore DOROT’s calendar of events, learn about our intergenerational and volunteer programs, and find out about our tech support.

Questions? Email:


DOROT is grateful to the funders who have generously supported Aging Alone Together: EGL Charitable Foundation Mother Cabrini Health Foundation Sephardic Foundation on Aging The Susan Klingenstein Family Foundation.

We would also like to thank the many dedicated people – including older adults, volunteers and community partner organizations – involved with Aging Alone Together over the past few years, who have shared their expertise, knowledge and vision with us as we created the curriculum. This includes: DOROT staff and volunteers Aging Alone Together facilitators Iona Senior Services Borrow My Glasses Flow Video

Finally, we want to emphasize our mantra: solo aging doesn’t mean aging alone. We recognize the solo agers who trust DOROT to serve as a guide on this part of their journey.