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Make a GENuine Connection

Are you looking for a fun, new way to connect with teens?

Friendly Visiting, New York-Style

More than four years ago, DOROT volunteer Richard Goldberg began visiting 75-year-old Gregory Sparling in his Upper W

More Than a Call, A Friendship

Every Wednesday at 3:00pm, volunteer and board member Helaine Suval picks up the phone and calls Sandra, her 89-year-

Memories and Musings of a Hundred-Year-Old Broad

"It has been my life's pleasure to work for DOROT... it's one of the best organizations in New York!

Save the Date!

Save the Date! DOROT's Annual Benefit is May 8, 2023.

Tackling Loneliness for a New Era of Connection

Bringing DOROT's expertise in alleviating loneliness and social isolation to a global stage.

Our Videos

Upper East Side girl uses bat mitzvah to give back

Age is Just a Number

Social Connection is Antidote to Social Isolation

DOROT: Generations Helping Generations