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Spring and Fall College Internship

Applications for the 2023 Academic Internship Program are currently open! Review of applications and interviews will begin in late June. Acceptances will be issued on a modified rolling basis and will continue until all positions have been filled.

Interested in a career in non-profit management, community organizing, social work or working with older adults? DOROT is proud of its long and successful track record in inspiring students to pursue careers in the helping professions.

Through a semester- or year-long internship, students learn about social isolation, its major impact on older adults and how DOROT’s programs and services are specifically designed to address the issue. Each intern receives substantive work and project experience and gains opportunities to connect with older adults onsite or through home visits. DOROT entrusts interns with significant responsibility and provides them with an opportunity to meaningfully contribute to their assigned department. Interns are invited to customize projects to match their interests and professional goals, as they fulfill requirements for class credits as needed. College interns fulfill various roles which may change from one semester to the next.

DOROT is seeking college interns who can work in-person, on a hybrid model or remotely, depending on the department they are assigned to and their responsibilities. For those students whose internships are either hybrid or in-person, some or all of their assignments may take place either in the homes of seniors or onsite at DOROT. Each intern will be assigned an older adult for the duration of their internship for either a weekly friendly phone call, Zoom or visit.

Read about our Spring and Fall College Internships.

Ages: 18+, must be a college sophomore, junior or senior

Time Commitment: A weekly commitment of eight to ten hours for one semester or a full school year, excluding school vacation weeks.

Requirements: Application, phone and onsite interviews, references, background check; provide a valid, US government-issued photo ID.

Next Steps: Complete the Spring and Fall College Internship application.